Friday, June 13, 2008

2 Weeks Countdown! Hajimaru!

Friday, June 13, 2008
Today is the 13th day of June, which means, there is exactly 14 days (2 weeks) before my flight to Shah Alam. Revising Chemistry and Additional Math seems to be easier now compared to at school. Perhaps this is because I don't feel any exam pressure at all. Ahah! Gotta enjoy this moment very well before I go to the next stage.

Listing a few of my to-do list, they are... doing medical checkup... buying a few odds and ends... Oh! Thats all! Ahaha. The list is stuffed with the odds and ends after all. Haha.

Okay. So if the to-do list is not that important, maybe I should bother about my family's to-worry list upon our ["range of time"] not being at home. To name a few...

1) Who's going to take care of the fishes...

2) Who's going to take care of the turtles... ==

3) Who's going to take care of... my CATS!!

4) Who's going to take care of... my desktop PC???????
(Ah, well, this one is my personal worrisome thought, ahaha)

Oh! Talking about my PC.. suddenly, more thoughts come to my mind... wt...

i) Who's going to update my antivirus...
ii) Who's going to clean the PC processor heatsink...
iii) Who's going to clean the PC chassing fan...
iv) Who's going to do registry cleaning...
v) Oh crap!!
vii) Oh crap!!!!

(Somehow I like the word 'crap' nowadays, thanks to Dr. Ashen)

BUt ah.... hei hei.. taking some HAruhi's words....
"It'll work itself out"
I'd like to test how far this seems-convincing sentence can do.

Ah! I've gotten off topic, didn't I? Hei Hei. So with that, I officially announce, my 2 weeks plan of i'm-going-to-name-it-later has started.

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