It's simply called 'limiters'.
I always have this so called limiters on.
It brought me here.
It is ironic though, how limits' existence can reveal things beyond boundaries.
Yes, without limit, you won't know where is your boundaries.
Maybe some would argue that they don't have boundary at all hence they have no limits.
...Ignore the 2 previous lines... that came out from nowhere, but I typed it for the record.
From there I know what my boundaries are, then it is up to me whether I should exceed it or not.
In other word, it is when "Yes" or "No" shows up in front of you; the decision.
O, it is getting more specific now.
Ignore the previous line.
It's not something anyone would notice in themselves. "Yes" simply chosen for them, even without them realizing it. That's how people without limiters are. Same goes for "No".
Now to my point.
I said that I have this so called limiters on.
Brought me here.
I wonder who provided this "Yes" or "No" options.
I feel sad when I think about how many choice that I've made, but I rarely think about that.
That's all. Finishing the last effect of my caffeine. If you read every single word, thank you. I appreciate that.
[p/s: Yeap, still under renovation, preparing the right layout]
[p/s: U of Alberta rox! But the city... oh well, Kuching seems more lively. But I like how the people here obey the rules and respect for the others. Something I longed for, ahaha.]
5 years ago
3 responses:
Hello. how r u?
lamak x update.
my new blog:
ahaha. Fine =D
Not that long. Not busy either. Just... want to see how much this little site affect my life. So I left it unupdated a while. I check it everyday though, Haha.
Wee, I'm going to buy DSLR too! Since u r already in it, I wanna have some consult frm u. =D
wat kind of dslr r u going to buy?
suggestion? canon. =p
i'm still new in photography btw.
don't expect too much from me.
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